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Crossroads as Sites of Entanglement and Violence (08/02/23)

The first pane of Lent term 2023 titled 'Crossroads as Sites of Entanglement and Violence' took place on the 8th of February 2023.

The event took place on Zoom. The event hosted three distinguished speakers who presented and engaged in conversation - we are grateful for their participation:

James Flexner (Senior Lecturer in Historical Archaeology and Heritage, Department of Archaeology, University of Sidney)

Gwyn Campbell (Research Chair in Indian Ocean World History, Director of Indian Ocean World Centre, McGill University, Canada)

Chike Pilgrim (PhD candidate, Department pf Archaeology, University of Cambridge)

The event was moderated by Alexis Ferguson (University of Cambridge)

The event is not recorded as the panellists requested. Sorry for the inconvenience this may cause.

Our group is grateful for the support of the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH) and the Cambridge Heritage Research Centre (CHRC).


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